Lauren W Reed

About Me

I am the Director of the Centre for Australian Languages at the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), as well as an Honorary Lecturer in the School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics at the Australian National University (ANU). I am also a PhD candidate in the ELISA project (Emergence of Language in Social Interaction), based at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. I am currently also a collaborator in the Body, Language and Socialisation Across Cultures project based at the ANU.

I am currently most interested in what adult homesign can tell us about the relationship between language qua system and social cognition. To investigate this, I employ theories and methods derived from conversation analysis, interactional linguistics, linguistic anthropology and cognitive science. My research is grounded in fieldwork which I have carried out in a number of diverse settings across Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Australia, with deaf and hearing people using signed and spoken languages.

In my work at AIATSIS, I direct a number of projects which support the strengthening of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages (the Indigenous languages of Australia). These include the fourth National Indigenous Languages Survey, the Paper & Talk workshop series, the Austlang database, and the AIATSIS Dictionaries Program. I am currently working on the theorisation of an index to measure the vitality of languages in revival as a complement to existing indices of language endangerment.

I am a hearing Sibling of Deaf Adults and user since childhood of Auslan (Australian Sign Language).

Publications (peer-reviewed)

Most publications can be found on my Academia page

Reed, Lauren W. (In press). Sign languages of the Papuasphere. In Evans, Nicholas and Fedden, Sebastian (Eds.), The Oxford guide to the Papuan languages. Preprint available at 

Hodge, Gabrielle; Danielle Barth; & Lauren W. Reed. (2023). Auslan and Matukar Panau: A modality-agnostic look at quotatives. In Barth, Danielle and Nicholas Evans (Eds.), Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus (SCOPIC). Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication No. 12: 85-125. 

Reed, Lauren W. (2022). Sign networks: Nucleated network sign languages and rural homesign in Papua New Guinea. Language in Society 51(4): 627-661.

Planer, Ronald J. & Lauren W Reed. (2021). Like hand, like mouth: On the role of gesture-linked mouth actions in the evolution of language. Biological Theory 16: 90-101.

Reed, Lauren W & Kate L. Lindsey. (2021). “Now the story’s turning around”: Associated motion and directionality in Ende, a language of Papua New Guinea. In Koch, Harold & Antoine Guillaume (Eds.), Associated motion, pp. 357-383. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Reed, Lauren W. (2020). "Switching caps": Two ways of communicating in sign in the Port Moresby deaf community, Papua New Guinea. Asia-Pacific Language Variation 6(1): 13-52. [Auslan abstract available at]

Rumsey, Alan; Lauren W Reed; & Francesca Merlan. (2020). Ku Waru clause chaining and the acquisition of complex syntax. Frontiers in Communication 5, 19.

Reed, Lauren W & Alan Rumsey. (2020). Sign languages in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. In Kendon, Adam, Sign language in Papua New Guinea: A primary sign language from the Upper Lagaip Valley, Enga Province, pp. 141-183. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Reed, Lauren W. (2019). Sign languages of Western Highlands, Papua New Guinea, and their challenges for sign language typology. Master's thesis. Canberra: Australian National University.

Ellis, Elizabeth M.; Jennifer Green; Inge Kral; & Lauren W Reed. (2019). Mara yurriku: Western Desert sign languages. Australian Aboriginal Studies (2): 89-111.

Publications (other)

Reed, Lauren W.; Alison L. Mount.; & Denise Angelo. (2024). 'Strengthening Australian languages: between policy and practice', Report on the Language Policy Symposium, 26–27 September 2022. AIATSIS Research Publications: Canberra. 



In Progress - Doctor of Philosophy, Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands


Master of General and Applied Linguistics (Advanced), Australian National University, Canberra, Australia


Bachelor of International Studies (Arabic), Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia                                                         


Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Prizes and Awards


CEO Corporate Contribution Award


University Medal, Australian National University


Alfred Deakin Medal, Deakin University 

Grants, Scholarships and Fellowships


Chief Investigator, ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities grant (AUD $699,747 [ARC contribution, multiple CIs])


Jalwang Scholarship, Australian Linguistic Society (AUD $4,901)


Language Documentation Grant, Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language (AUD $8,574)

Student Experience Grant, College of Arts and Social Sciences, ANU (AUD $2,000)

Student Extracurricular Enrichment Fund grant, Postgraduate and Research Students Association, ANU (AUD $2,000)


Research Grant, Australian Linguistic Society (AUD $4,626)

Firebird Fellowship, Firebird Foundation for Anthropological Research (USD $7,154)

Fellowship, Linguistic Institute, Linguistic Society of America (USD $2,000)


Summer Research Scholarship, Australian National University (AUD $800)

Refereed Conference Papers


Reed, Lauren W.; Lutzenberger, Hannah; Safar, Josefina; & de Vos, Connie (accepted). How do you listen in sign language? A comparative study of backchannelling in four sign languages. Paper accepted to VisLang 2024, Tilburg University, 27-28 June. Withdrawn due to presenter illness.


Reed, Lauren W. & Mount, Alison (2023). The Language Revival Index: A strengths-based complement to traditional language vitality indices. Paper presented at Australian Linguistic Society annual meeting, University of Sydney, 1 December. 


Reed, Lauren W. (2019). A novel comparative method for young sign languages: Base comparison. Paper presented at Australian Linguistic Society annual meeting, Macquarie University, Sydney, 12 December. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.11356508

Reed, Lauren. (2019). “Culture sign is my favourite”: Bilingualism and identity in the Port Moresby deaf community. Paper presented at Symposium on Sociolinguistic Variation in Signed and Spoken Languages of the Asia-Pacific Region, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, 12 July 2019. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9758678 (Abstract available at this link)


Ellis, Elizabeth Marrkilyi; Green, Jennifer; Reed, Lauren; Simpson, Jane; & Kral, Inge. (2018). An exploration of the handshapes and phonology of Western Desert alternate sign languages. Paper presented at Australian Languages Workshop, Marysville, Victoria, 3 March.


Reed, Lauren & Rumsey, Alan. (2017). Initial observations of mouth action distribution, type, and variation in Kailge Sign Language, an undocumented sign language of Papua New Guinea. Paper presented at Australian Linguistic Society annual conference, University of Sydney, 6 December.

Refereed Conference Posters


Reed, Lauren W; Lutzenberger, Hannah; Safar, Josefina; & de Vos, Connie. (Accepted). "Ah, I see": comparing response tokens in five sign languages. Poster accepeted for presentation at 15th Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research conference, Addis Ababa University, 14-17 January 2025.


Reed, Lauren W & Rumsey, Alan. (2019). Sign networks, and a nucleated network sign language of Papua New Guinea. Poster presented at TISLR13 (Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research), University of Hamburg, 26 September 2019. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9896489

Reed, Lauren W. (2019). Co-expression of past and future in a sign language of rural Papua New Guinea. Poster presented at TISLR13 (Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research), University of Hamburg, 27 September 2019. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9901727.v1

Reed, Lauren W. (2019). A sociolinguistic sketch of the Port Moresby deaf community and Papua New Guinea Sign Language. Poster presented at TISLR13 (Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research), University of Hamburg, 28 September 2019. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9896429


Reed, Lauren & Rumsey, Alan. (2017). Initial observations of mouth action type and distribution in an undocumented sign language of Papua New Guinea. Poster presented at the 2017 Linguistic Society of America Linguistic Institute, University of Kentucky, Lexington, 16 July.

Presentations, Seminars and Invited Talks


Lauren W Reed, Hannah Lutzenberger, Josefina Safar & Connie de Vos. (2024). A pragmatic typological survey of backchannelling in sociolinguistically diverse sign languages. Research Seminar Series, Macquarie University, Sydney, 6 September. Abstract available at: 

Alison L. Mount; Kaitlyn Lodewikus; & Lauren W Reed. (2024). National Indigenous Languages Survey. AIATSIS Summit, Melbourne, 7 June.

Reed, Lauren W. and Kaitlyn Lodewikus. (2024). The AIATSIS Dictionaries Project. Lexicography and Dictionaries Symposium, Australian National University, Canberra, 2 April.


Reed, Lauren W. and Kaitlyn Lodewikus. (2023). National Indigenous Languages Survey. CONVERGE First Nations Media National Conference, Canberra, 22 November.

Reed, Lauren W. and Jason Chong. (2023). Co-designing the 4th NILS: What does alive and thrive mean to you? Wangka Kanyilku Wangkawa! Decolonising First Nations' Languages Conference, Kalgoorlie, 26 October.

Reed, Lauren W. and Jason Chong. (2023). The Fourth National Indigenous Languages Survey. PULiiMA Indigenous Languages and Technology Conference, Darwin, 24 August.

Reed, Lauren W. (2023). Australian Indigenous Sign Languages. Aboriginal Sign Language Forum, University of Sydney, 31 July.

Reed, Lauren W, Jason Chong and Alison Mount. (2023). The Fourth National Indigenous Languages Survey (NILS4). Australian Languages Workshop, Hawkesbury, New South Wales, 22 July.

Reed, Lauren W. and Jason Chong. (2023). The Fourth National Indigenous Languages Survey: Tracking the Health and Strength of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages. AIATSIS Summit, Perth, 6 July.


Reed, Lauren W. (2022). Parallel conversation in homesign. Evolutionary Perspectives on Tool Manipulation and Gestural Communication. Annual Symposium, Words Bones Genes Tools DFG Center for Advanced Studies, University of Tuebingen, 14 October.

Reed, Lauren W. (2022). Baby talk in Aksen Bilong Kakuyl. Communicative modality in cross-cultural perspective workshop, Australian National University, 21 July.


Reed, Lauren W. (2020). Widening the lens on "Generation 0". Emergence of Language in Social Interaction (ELISA) kick-off meeting, Tilburg University, 17 December.

Reed, Lauren W. (2020). "Switching caps": Exploring bilingual practices in deaf Port Moresby. Language Talks! seminar series, University of New England, 29 October. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13159742

Reed, Lauren W. (2020). Sign networks: Insights from Papua New Guinea for sign language typology. CoEDL Fest, University of Queensland, 5 February.

Reed, Lauren W and Rumsey, Alan. (2020). Ku Waru clause chains and the acquisition of complex syntax. CoEDL Fest, University of Queensland, 5 February.

Reed, Lauren W. (2020). Sign linguistics for non-sign linguists (CoEDL Fest crash course series). CoEDL Fest, University of Queensland, 3 February.


Reed, Lauren W. (2019). Verb 'agreement' in a sign language of Western Highlands, Papua New Guinea. Presentation to Deafness, Cognition and Language Research Centre, University College London, 7 October.

Reed, Lauren W. (2019). Verb 'agreement' in a sign language from Western Highlands, Papua New Guinea. Presentation to Sign Pop-Up, Radboud University, Nijmegen, 20 September.

Reed, Lauren. (2019). Understanding and not-understanding among sign language users in the New Guinea Highlands. Presentation to the Rumsey Symposium, Australian National University, 15 August. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9761489

Planer, Ronald J. and Reed, Lauren. (2019). Handling the data: The role of emerging sign languages in the study of language evolution. Presentation to the University of Edinburgh, 17 July.

Reed, Lauren and Rumsey, Alan. (2019). Young sign languages, multimodality and rapid language evolution in Papua New Guinea. Presentation to CoEDL Fest, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 4 February. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9759572


Reed, Lauren; Rumsey, Alan; Merlan, Francesca; & Onga, John. (2018). The communicative ecology of deaf sign languages in the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Seminar for the Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, Australian National University, Canberra, 12 October. Presentation available to watch via, and slides via

Reed, Lauren. (2018). “Now the story’s turning around”: Directionality and associated motion in Ende, a language of southern New Guinea. Presentation to workshop, Directionality or associated motion? Evidence from diverse languages, Australian National University, Canberra, 22 June.


Reed, Lauren & Rumsey, Alan. (2017.) New research on a vernacular sign language in the New Guinea Highlands. Seminar for the Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, Australian National University, Canberra, 18 August.

Reed, Lauren (2017.) ‘Speaking by moving’: Ngaanyatjarra traditional sign language. Presentation to the Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, Australian National University, Canberra, 19 January.

Reed, Lauren. (2017). Primary and alternate sign languages: Auslan and Ngaanyatjarra sign language. Presentation to National Youth Science Forum, Australian National University, Canberra, 5 January.

Community Resources


I designed, filmed and recorded "Gagan: Colours in Gamilaraay/Yuwaalaraay & Auslan" in partnership with Winanga-Li Aboriginal Child and Family Centre, Gunnedah, New South Wales. The video is available here:


In conjuction with Kate L. Lindsey and the Ende Language Committee, I worked with the Ende community in Limol, Western Province, Papua New Guinea to transcribe, translate and illustrate two books of hunting and fishing stories in Ende, a Pahoturi River language of PNG:


de Vos, Connie; Josefina Safar; Satyawati; Ni Made Dadi Astini; Ni Made Sumarni; Ketut Kanta; Ranum Dara Valentin; Lauren Reed; & Hannah Lutzenberger, (2021-2023). Collection "Balinese Homesign Corpus". The Language Archive.

Lauren Reed (collector), 2018. Papua New Guinea Sign Language. Collection LWR2 at [Open Access]. 

Lauren Reed (collector), 2015. Western Highlands Sign Languages. Collection LWR1 at [Open Access]. 

Rumsey, Alan; Andrew Noma; Lauren Reed; Naomi Peck; Charlotte van Tongeren; & Stephanie Yam. (Processing). Ku Waru Child Language Socialization Study (KWCLSS) contribution to Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab (ACQDIV).

Contributor to: Kate L. Lindsey (collector), 2007. Language Corpus of Ende and other Pahoturi River Languages. Collection LSNG08 at [Open Access]. 

Academic and Industry Positions

September 2024 - present

Director, AIATSIS Centre for Australian Languages, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)

Honorary Lecturer (Level B), School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, College of the Arts and Social Sciences, The Australian National University

February 2022 - September 2024

Senior Linguist, AIATSIS Centre for Australian Languages, AIATSIS

September 2021 - February 2022

Assistant Director, Education and Ethics, AIATSIS

April 2021 - September 2021

A/g Research Fellow (Linguistics), Indigenous Culture & Policy, AIATSIS

October 2020 - March 2021

Project manager, Ethics and Research Leadership, AIATSIS

August 2020 - September 2020

Project officer, Ethics and Research Leadership, AIATSIS

March 2017 - August 2020

Research assistant to Professor Alan Rumsey, Australian National University

January 2020 - June 2020

Course coordinator, co-lecturer and tutor, Australian National University

August 2019 - June 2020

March 2017 - October 2018

Research assistant to Dr Jennifer Green, University of Melbourne



Guest lecturer, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University


Tutor, Tjabal Centre, Australian National University


Guest lecturer, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University

Tutor, Tjabal Centre, Australian National University


Coordinator, co-lecturer (with Alexandra Marley) and tutor, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University

Guest lecturer, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University


Tutor, Tjabal Centre, Australian National University

Guest lecturer, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University


Guest lecturer, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University

Professional Activities and Service


Steering Committee Member (on behalf of AIATSIS), Language Data Commons of Australia

Reviewer, Languages


Editorial board member, Ishara Research Series


Australasia regional representative, Sign Language Linguistics Society (co-held with Gabrielle Hodge and Rachel McKee)

Member, Sign Language Linguistics Society


Reviewer, ANU Student Research Conference

Reviewer, First Language

Co-organiser (with Alan Rumsey), 'Aksen: Sign, gesture and multimodality in Australia and Papua New Guinea', conference which was to be held at Australian National University, Canberra, 6-8 October. Cancelled due to COVID-19.

Co-organiser (with M Carroll and Nick Evans), Papuan Languages Workshop, workshop which was to be held at Australian National University Kioloa Coastal Campus, New South Wales, 27-31 March. Cancelled due to COVID-19.


Organiser, 'Directionality or associated motion? Evidence from diverse languages', workshop at Australian National University, Canberra, 22 June.

Founding Member, Australian National University Sign Language Collective


Affiliate, Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language (acceptance via application)


Member, Australian Linguistic Society

Non-Academic Work History

Prior to starting in linguistics, I was a food writer and food tour guide, specialising in Melbourne's culturally diverse Western suburbs. You can see my old blog here. I am married to Dr Ronald J. Planer, with whom I share four children.