
Chief Investigator Alan Rumsey and I were profiled as part of the Centre for Excellence of the Dynamics of Language's video series. You can check the video out below. Watching it in February 2020, I've now backed off from my somewhat overconfident stance (the video was recorded in February 2019) that language is purely a cultural phenomenon! You can see more of CoEDL's videos here.

PNG 'culture sign' can't be pidgin-holed - a piece about my work from the Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language. Check it out for a film of mine about how meaning can be negotiated among signers with different semiotic repertoires.

You can read a profile about me here, from the College of Arts and Social Sciences at ANU, and find out what kind of food I enjoy chowing down on - from Melbourne's Vietnamese scene to southern New Guinea cassowary stew!

Gabrielle Hodge (DCAL, London) and I were quoted in the Canberra Times in the context of a project to create new Auslan signs for scientific concepts.